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How To Start A Farm: With Limited Funds

How To Start A Farm: Hopefully I can give some insight and share how to start a farm by sharing how we have built Cow Cow Ranch from literally nothing. This will probably end up a series of post. May I recommend signing up for notification of new posts? You can do that by clicking HEREĀ (will open in new tab… Read more »

Friday Funny – This Could be us…but we have livestock

Not that I’m a tropical beach person….too hot…but it’s the point that it’s difficult at times to go anywhere else because there always seems to be something that needs done. Like irrigating, twice a day. Plus, what if we’re away and the cows decide to go galavanting across the country? Or just get out and stand in the middle of… Read more »

The Oxymoron That Is the USDA Grading Scale

Does anyone else recognize the oxymoron in the USDA’s beef grading system? “Lean beef” means a lack of fat, but the system is based off more fat being perceived as better. Prime is best on the scale–and has the most fat. Choice has less fat, but still has quite a bit. No wonder consumers are confused! Beef is a great… Read more »