Category Archives: Ranch Life
Friday Funny – This Could be us…but we have livestock

Not that I’m a tropical beach person….too hot…but it’s the point that it’s difficult at times to go anywhere else because there always seems to be something that needs done. Like irrigating, twice a day. Plus, what if we’re away and the cows decide to go galavanting across the country? Or just get out and stand in the middle of… Read more »
Most People Can’t Fathom The Integration
Perfect Timing

Lord, please help me to remember that your timing is perfect. I know that I’m impatient and push; but your timeline is different and much better than mine. Thank you for all the blessings you have provided. You are all-knowing and have an awesome plan that will roll out just as you have timed. Thank you for being such a… Read more »
Living the Dream
Be Tolerant
Map Leases
Map leases – driving Map leases and specs Cox’s – upper field is pasture. Lower half of the top section is “below the Rat Shack” and the piece to the east is “behind the houses.” Middle and lower sections are hay fields and then fall pasture. “The Orchard” is the upper part of the middle section, with “the field above… Read more »
June 13, 2016
Mondays always seem to snowball me. I think I have everything scheduled and perfect and then WHAM, everything falls apart and by the end of the day I don’t know what I got done and I’m completely exhausted. Honestly, if it weren’t for date stamps on pictures and videos, I would be mostly lost as to what I did. Well,… Read more »
June 14, 2016
June 14, 2016 VBS, irrigate, clean house (yes!). That was when Jer sent me a private message on Facebook with this picture. Cutting the cake (a barn) at our wedding reception (in a barn, dirt floor). June 14, 2008. Oh, how sweet. He’s thinking of our wedding. He’s never sent me something like this before. Phone rings. It’s Jeramie. Me:… Read more »
Ranching and A Road Trip
Jer went and irrigated then started getting ready to haul a pair and Mr. P to Fox’s. Nick finished stacking the 1st cutting bales that had been brought back to the house. In the meantime, Charlie and Marion were busy collecting bugs. Jer loaded 804 and her calf and Mr. Perfect to haul them to Fox’s. I snapped a… Read more »