Mondays always seem to snowball me. I think I have everything scheduled and perfect and then WHAM, everything falls apart and by the end of the day I don’t know what I got done and I’m completely exhausted.
Honestly, if it weren’t for date stamps on pictures and videos, I would be mostly lost as to what I did. Well, I could go look at my planner, too, but must not be that important if I can’t remember…
Oh, this week was Vacation Bible School (VBS). So took Charlie and Marion to VBS, then went and irrigated.
Irrigating at Winchester’s.
Painted shovel handles orange.
Jer painted the shovel handles fluorescent orange, except the shovel at Carl’s, which already has a fluorescent yellow handle and belongs to Carl. Hopefully will be easier to see them from down field! (So far so good)
Front to back: Power, Flutter, Precious.
Fed the animals at the corrals. Down to Power, Flutter, and Precious. Interesting to see the size differences. Power is a fullblood, Flutter is a Cow Cow Ranch cow (1/2), and Precious is a fullblood first calf heifer. The picture was taken pretty level, so the differences are not because of camera angle. I guess I could look at my measurements taken a few weeks ago and could compare the rump heights, except Power–didn’t measure him. Maybe I’ll get to that this weekend.
Snapped a picture of Gummy, Precious’s bull calf sired by Power. Of course he’s cute. He’s a calf.
Gummy, out of Precious, sired by Power. 6-13-2016
Then it was time to pick up Marion and Charlie from VBS. Little did I know, they were going to start my flock of sheep!
My flock has started.
Took the kids to day camp, hosted by West Elk Family Church, the church we attend. It rained so hard that we actually hung out an extra 10 minutes waiting for the rain to subside before dashing for the van.
The rain helped out on irrigating!
Snapped a picture of some of the cows up at Carl’s